(212) 844-9057

Smart Speakers are Reshaping E-Commerce

It has only been three years since Amazon Echo and Google Home have introduced the smart speaker market. Since then, smart speakers have reshaped e-commerce shopping all together. An estimated 30 million homes own smart speakers today, with nearly 40% of those households actively making purchases with their devices.38% Amazon Echo Smart Speakers 37% Google Home smart speakers Voice search uses different conventions, but SEO pros are adapting quickly to this type of e-commerce. Where as online shopping deals with keywords to match a search, voice searching relies on tone and typically takes the form of a question. Now more than ever, brands that optimize for voice searching by using conversational language, adding detailed FAQ pages, etc., will see great advantages among their competitors. smart speaker graph 2018 It is important to get your brand out on audio campaigns as more and more branding companies will be hitting the airwaves. If you are the first brand in your category to reach large-scale audio marketing, you will reap the benefits. Being ‘Top of Mind’ is crucial as the market starts to rapidly grow. If the brand name is not on the tip of the customer’s tongue, then the cannot easily voice search for a specific product. With brands battling to set up their own audio signature, it is vital to build your audio campaign now. Visit TelevisionAdGroup.com to learn more or call us at 212-844-9057 for advertising details today!